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We wanted to create a place rooted

in Nature—a place with a soul.


‘’ When Sterrekopje and I found each other, I instantly knew her purpose and mine were intertwined and destined to unfold side by side.‘’

NICOLE & FLEUR, Founders & Guardians, Sterrekopje Farm

Welcome to our home, Sterrekopje. When Sterrekopje and I found each other three years ago, I instantly knew her purpose and mine were intertwined and destined to unfold side by side.


For years, I travelled the world, looking for a place where I could build something extraordinary, not just for myself but for others, a place rooted in Nature—a place with a soul, where people could come to find rest, regenerate and reconnect.

Welcome to our home, Sterrekopje.  When Sterrekopje and I found each other three years ago, I instantly knew her purpose and mine were intertwined and destined to unfold side by side.


For years, I travelled the world, looking for a place where I could build something extraordinary, not just for myself but for others, a place rooted in Nature—a place with a soul, where people could come to find rest, regenerate and reconnect.

‘’ When Sterrekopje and I found each other, I instantly knew her purpose and mine were intertwined and destined to unfold side by side.‘’

I envisioned long tables bearing an abundance of glorious food, long leisurely dinners under the stars. Cottages–like nests– tucked into overflowing gardens. I imagined a place that would be a return to somewhere that felt instantly familiar, an extension of who we are, a place of belonging, a home.


Sterrekopje is that place. I knew it from the first moment I met her. It was not something specific that I saw; it was a deep feeling—an innate knowing.  From the depths of her soil to the tip of her mountain top, just being among all of this, it does something to you—it grounds you, it allows you to surrender, it allows you to just be.


The name Sterrekopje honours these gifts. Centuries ago, the farmers that called her home named her Sterrekopje, an Afrikaans phrase that translates to ‘the bright star above the little mountain.’ And still to this day, there she sits, always bright, shining down on us, providing a light to guide us home.

“It is a simple yet abundantly rich and rewarding way of life.”

Over the last three years, my wife Fleur and I, together with our ever growing Sterrekopje family, have carefully restored Sterrekopje’s ancestral lands to be as fruitful and sustainable as they were generations ago, returning nutrients to her soil, allowing her to flourish once again. 

Today, we grow more than 100 varietals of indigenous and heritage plants, using regenerative farming practices that encourage and support self-sustaining echo systems—just as Nature intended.


It is a simple yet abundantly rich and rewarding way of life here on the farm, restoring this land has in-turn restored us, and taught us in ways we could never have imagined. And to be able to share it is perhaps the greatest gift of all. 


What we have created is not a hotel, retreat or a wellness centre, it is a home, a sanctuary, a community and a safe place. 


We invite you to experience a truly unique journey, to quiet the mind, unfurl the body, and abandon all expectation—be it internal or external. We invite you to stay, rest, grow and play.​






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